Monday, September 29, 2014

Sketch for character for Rachel Bahar

Rachel Bahar went to Theopolis College to obtain a M.S. in Genetic Engineering, this is what we know for the Generative Literature Project. As for delving into Miss. Bahar's life further, and trying to come up with a secondary character, I thought about choosing an old roommate that Rachel roomed with while attending Theopolis College. During her sophomore year of college, Rachel met her roommate Emma Lyn, a pharmacy major. Rachel and Emma clicked so well together and continued to dorm throughout the rest of the years of them attending Theopolis college. Emma Lyn, a brunette Caucasian woman, would grow to be one of Rachel's closest friends during this time period and would be a strong supporting character if she was questioned about Rachel's personality, morals, and private life. Although Rachel and Emma live too far away to constantly keep in touch today,they were close enough in college to the point if Rachel had any vendetta against her peers, Professors, or in this case, her Dean, Emma would definitely be credible enough to remember if anything had happened during the duration of them staying together in school. Think about it like this, with your roommate (one that you're really close with), if something happened in school in the past, wouldn't you be one of the first people your roommate would tell? Rachel living with Emma for a period of time could lead the audience if she had any past grudges against the school that Emma could dissolve quickly or even help build up a theoretical case.
        Emma Lyn and Rachel Bahar aren't the strongest relationship in the modern day sense but if the reader has to try and put pieces together in order to try and put pieces together as to why the Dean of the Theopolis is dead, going into her past isn't a bad idea. With going into Rachel Bahar's past, why not reach out to the people who knew Rachel during this time period? In this case, her roommate, Emma Lyn.


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